How to Apply

Students interested in applying for the Medical Resource Desk Program must fill out an online application released during the beginning of fall quarter every year. If you have any questions about the application or the program in general, please feel free to email us at

Volunteer Responsibilities and Commitments

All volunteers selected for the program will take a mandatory quarter-long training course for 2 units of Social Welfare 195 upper division credit (to be shown on transcript). The course will run from Weeks 2-8 of Fall Quarter on Wednesday afternoons from 2PM-4PM on campus. After successful completion of the course, volunteers will sign up for a weekly 4-hour shift at one of our clinic sites throughout Winter and Spring Quarter (sign ups change every quarter) , as well as participate in the SCOPE Health Fair held during spring quarter.


Transportation varies depending on site. No transportation will be offered if a volunteer decides to work at the UCLA 200 Medical Plaza. However, students volunteering off-campus in nearby West Los Angeles clinics will be provided transportation to make it to their shift. Volunteers may also take the bus or drive their own cars to clinic sites if they prefer.

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